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21 Powerful Reasons to Warn Your Kids about Porn

Young kids are so innocent. It's almost painful for a parent to think about talking to them about pornography. If the thought makes you cringe, you're not alone. But let this be the year you get over it.

Maybe a list of how porn can harm your child will help. (You might be surprised at some of the items!)

This list comes from the book What's the Big Deal about Pornography? written by Dr. Jill C. Manning, PhD. It's based on social science research from the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia.


It will only take one minute to read this list. Ask yourself: Is this what I want for my child's future?

Effects of Regular Pornography Consumption

  1. Decreased sensitivity toward women--showing more aggression, rudeness, and less respect
  2. Decreased sensitivity and increased tolerance of sexually graphic material.
  3. Increased risk of believing rape is not a serious crime
  4. More exposure to incorrect information about human sexuality
  5. Increased risk of developing unhealthy views about sexuality
  6. Increased risk of thinking less common sexual practices happen more often than they do
  7. Increased risk of getting involved in sexual behavior that is risky, unhealthy or illegal (hiring prostitutes, for example)
  8. Increased risk of experiencing difficulties in intimate relationships
  9. Increased risk of becoming violent or aggressive
  10. Increased risk of becoming sexually abusive toward others
  11. Decreased desire to marry one day
  12. Decreased desire to have children and raise a family one day
  13. Decreased trust in your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse
  14. Increased risk of believing long-term relationships are not even realistic
  15. Increased risk of becoming sexually dissatisfied with your future spouse
  16. Increased risk of cheating on your spouse once you're married
  17. Increased risk for separation and divorce once you're married
  18. Increased risk of viewing promiscuity or casual sex with many people as normal and natural behavior that has little to no consequences
  19. Increased risk of getting fired from your job (from viewing porn at work)
  20. Increased risk of believing there is nothing wrong with being sexually active with somone you have no emotional involvement with or commitment to
  21. Increased risk of developing a negative body image

and one more, as a BONUS!

22. Increased risk of developing sexually compulsive and/or addictive behavior.


23. And here's one more to really get your teenage son's attention: Young men in their 20's can develop "porn-induced erectile dysfunction." Watch Dr. Oz discuss this with three experts. (Note: The first 3 videos are helpful. The 4th where one guest defends porn is ludicrous in my mind. Just for the record, I don't believe any amount of porn is healthy in a relationship.)

Gabe Deem Helps Guys Leave Porn Behind

For more info and a real-life story of a man who recovered from porn addiction and the porn-induced erectile dysfunction it caused, watch this honest and inspiring video by Gabe Deem. Gabe does a nice job of explaining the issues around porn addiction. And guess what? He started masturbating to porn at age 8.

Whew! What a sobering list!  Will it help you overcome your hesitation? I hope so!

Remember, most kids find porn between the ages of 7 and 13. It's time to porn-proof your kids!.

Good Pictures Bad Pictures

Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids

"I really like the no-shame approach the author takes. It's so much more than just 'don't watch or look at porn.' It gave my children a real understanding about the brain and its natural response to pornography, how it can affect you if you look at it, and how to be prepared when you do come across it (since, let's face it... it's gonna happen at some point)." -Amazon Review by D.O.

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