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Teach kids
refusal skills for
digital dangers.

Offer your students ages 8-12 an engaging, video-based curriculum to keep them safe from cyber-bullying, pornography and internet addiction. Brain Defense arms kids with safe technology habits to protect their growing minds.

Good Pictures Bad PicturesGood Pictures Bad Pictures
Ages 7-12

Good Pictures Bad Pictures

Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids
Amazon #1 Best Seller
Click button below for price info.
$ 18.97 USD

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This read-aloud book is a comfortable way to discuss a difficult topic. It teaches kids what pornography is, why it’s harmful, and how to reject it. To stay safe in the digital age, kids must install an internal filter. Good Pictures Bad Pictures shows them how! Great for ages 7-12.

Want a natural and comfortable way to talk to your kids about pornography? This newly revised edition of the original bestseller makes that daunting discussion easy! Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a read-aloud story about a mom and dad who explain what pornography is, why it’s dangerous, and how to reject it.

Featuring easy-to-understand science and simple analogies, this internationally-acclaimed book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.

Good Pictures Bad Pictures is in the top 100 best-selling parenting books on Amazon.

Additional Information

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    Print Length
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    Publication Date
    October 1, 2018
  • Ruler icon
    8” x 0.13” x 10”
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Additional Language Editions

Now in more languages than ever before.


Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas Jr

Los más pequeños merecen estar equipados tempranamente contra los peligros de internet. Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas Jr. facilita a los padres la tarea de proteger a sus hijos de edades comprendidas entre los 3 y los 6 años. Con mensajes delicados y adecuados para estas edades, los niños aprenderán a aplicar la estrategia “Gírate, corre, habla” cuando se vean expuestos accidentalmente a contenidos inapropiados. Escrito por la autora del éxito de ventas original Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas, Kristen A. Jenson, la versión junior es un recurso accesible y eficaz para los padres proactivos que quieren dotar a sus pequeños de su primer filtro interno.


Audio libro de Imaginas Buenas, Imaginas Malas

Es el version audio libro de Imaginas Buenas, Imaginas Malas. Hablarles a los niños de sexo siempre ha sido un dolor de cabeza, pero en esta era digital que vivimos, no solo es tema de conversación el sexo, también lo es la pornografía que ahora llega con más facilidad y crudeza a los niños, quienes con solo un click corren el peligro de tener acceso a imágenes denigrantes y cargadas de violencia.


Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas

Protegiendo a los más pequeños contra la pornografia.

Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas es un relato agradable, para leer en voz alta, acerca de una madre y un padre que enseñan a su hijo qué es la pornografía, por qué es peligrosa y cómo rechazarla. A fin de mantenerse a salvo en la era digital, los más jóvenes deben instalar un filtro interno en su propio cerebro. Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas les enseña a conseguirlo.


Schöne Bilder Schädliche Bilder

Kinder von heute proaktiv gegen Pornografie immunisieren Ein Praxisbuch für Eltern

Schöne Bilder Schädliche Bilder ist eine ansprechende Geschichte zum Vorlesen, die von einer Mutter und einem Vater erzählt, die ihr Kind lehren, was Pornografie ist, warum sie gefährlich ist und wie man sie ablehnt.


Belle Immagini Brutte Immagini. Come Proteggere i Bambini Dalla Pornografia

Uno strumento per insegnare i principi delle neuroscienze al fine di evitare l’insorgere della dipendenza dalla pornografia. Il tutto espresso con un linguaggio di facile comprensione per i più piccoli.

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Хорошие картинки. Плохие картинки. Для малышей

Книга «Хорошие картинки. Плохие картинки. Для малышей» — это практичный, полезный и мощный инструмент, который нужен семьям. Рекомендуем периодически читать эту книгу с детьми для того, чтобы они могли научиться самостоятельно противостоять порнографии и нежелательному контенту в интернете. Книга для чтения и обсуждения родителей с детьми 3-7 лет.

Хорошие картинки Плохие картинки Как защитить детей от порнографии

Книга рассказывает о том, как предостеречь и защитить детей от разрушающей силы порнографии. Книга-история, которую можно и нужно читать вместе с детьми. Практическое пособие, как поговорить с ребенком на эту сложную тему. Книга является бестселлером на Амазоне в своей категории.

Brain Defense: Digital Safety Curriculum

Get immediate access to our "open and go" digital curriculum


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Logo for The Brain Gang

Hey, we're the Brain Gang! And we love teaching kids how to be healthy, happy and strong on screens and off! We share our experiences, a few funny stories, and solid plans for rejecting harmful content. Come join us!

Brain Gang Member Ben
Hi, I’m Ben! I love basketball, reading and helping kids turn away from pornography.
Brain Gang Member Tess
Hi, I’m Tess! I’m interested in art, movies, and teaching kids what to do if they are exposed to pornography.
Brain Gang Member Zach
Hi, I’m Zach! I’m into chess, skateboarding, and teaching kids about healthy screen habits.
Brain Gang Member Isabel
Hi, I’m Isabel! I’m into science, photography and helping kids learn how to create screen/life balance.
Brain Gang Member Andre
Hi, I’m Andre’! I like riding bikes, playing video games, and helping kids to avoid digital addictions.
Brain Gang Member Samantha
Hi, I’m Samantha! I enjoy playing my violin, reading, and showing kids how to be good digital citizens.


What people are saying

Loved fact-based curriculum

I love that the curriculum is fact-based and delivered in a matter-of-fact manner.

Deanna Rowen
I love it!

I love it! It is an amazing idea, but i wish it was longer.

4th grade student
Sparked important conversations

The Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum was grade-appropriate and sparked some important conversations in the classroom. The videos kept the students' attention and helped to ease them into the workbook. I definitely look forward to teaching this every year!

Kelli Thompson
Prince of Peace
Spurs much-needed convos

Parents are desperate for concepts and language like this to help their children. They would benefit so much from this program - and I think it would spur much needed conversations between parents and children.

Jenet Erickson
Loved talking to my mom

My favorite part about this program is when I talk to my mom about the lesson every night.

5th grade student
Loved how engaging it is

The Brain Defense: Digital Safety Curriculum is one of the most important child protection measures that we take at our school. It is easy and comfortable to teach to our students. Not only is it pertinent to what they need to learn at this age, but the students and parents love how engaging it is. I wish every child, family, and school could protect themselves with training like this.

Grant Beckwith
Principal, American Heritage School

I love-love-LOVE that you are bravely bringing this information and attention to students (and parents). It’s a significant set of lessons and I like these discussions with him at home, too.

Parent of a 4th grader
CAN DO Plan really helped

My favorite part was the CAN DO plan, because a harmful picture once popped up and the plan really helped.

5th grade student
Portland, Oregon
Parents were appreciative

Parents were appreciative of the Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum. The information and talking points sent home about the lessons here at school gave them the opportunity and tools to discuss a topic they wanted to discuss with their children, but were uncertain on how to do so.

Jane Shriver
Principal, Prince of Peace
Awesome...Not weird

This is awesome because it helps parents bring up these topics without coming off weird and random to kids.

Parent of a 4th grader
I adore the Brain Gang

I love Good Pictures Bad Pictures and I adore the Brain Gang.

4th grade student
Easy to use

The Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum was easy to use and the short videos were very engaging! I felt very comfortable teaching my students about the dangers of pornography…

Anonymous Educator

THANK YOU for bringing this information to the kids and helping us continue these conversations at home.

Bain Haberly
I felt comfortable teaching the lessons

The Brain Defense curriculum was easy to use and the short videos were very engaging! I felt very comfortable teaching my students about the dangers of pornography, particularly, because this program laid out vital information about how the brain works and how addiction occurs. My students found the topic interesting and the tips helpful! It is a program I will definitely use again!

Sonya Carrillo
St. Catherine’s
Students need strategies

It is critical for kids and parents to talk about this subject. I think that the kids need some more strategies about how to deal with pornography when they come across it.

Parent of a 4th grader
Easy and educational

The Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum helped me teach my students about this difficult topic in an easy and educational way. I felt comfortable teaching the lessons, and most importantly, my students felt comfortable asking questions. I would highly recommend the Brain Defense curriculum to any school looking for ways to educate their students on this topic.

Kristin Jorgensen
Prince of Peace
Vital to teach each year

Vital for all students to have this course each year as part of their curriculum.

Parent from Utah
Highly recommend

I highly recommend the Brain Safety Curriculum. I had both students and parents thank me so much for offering these guidelines for our technology and internet usage.

Elizabeth Fresse
Portland, Oregon
Thanks for fighting back!

Thank you for this! It’s so needed for our youth in these days! God bless you for the work you are doing! I would like to see schools across the country implement this to counteract the modern day scourge of pornography. Thank you for fighting back!


The Brain Defense curriculum is fantastic! I enjoyed using the resources provided to help children feel confident that they know how to keep their brains healthy and safe.

Ty Crossley
American Heritage School

It is a wonderful curriculum! I hope that more parents and children could receive this knowledge to help their families.


Our Team

The brains behind Brain Defense™

Kristen A. Jenson, MA
Kristen A. Jenson, MA
Founder and CEO
 Bianca Noah
Bianca Noah
Curriculum Coordinator
Jill Geigle, M. Ed.
Jill Geigle, M. Ed.
Curriculum Developer
Evan MacDonald
Evan MacDonald
Video Director
James Best, MFA
James Best, MFA
Joanna Gurr
Joanna Gurr
Research Assistant
Hannah Ungricht
Hannah Ungricht

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions about Brain Defense™?

How long does Brain Defense take to teach?
Can I share Brain Defense in an online meeting?
What does Brain Defense include?
I have so much to do, how can I prepare and teach one more thing?!
Why does my school or my family need Brain Defense?
Who should use Brain Defense: Digital Safety?
Who created Brain Defense: Digital Safety?
What is Brain Defense: Digital Safety?

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