New Facebook Group for Parents! Finally a Safe Place to Discuss Sensitive Topics
Finally! A safe place for parents to discuss protecting kids from pornography (and its difficult effects). We created the Let's Talk About Protecting Kids From Pornography on Facebook as a safe place for parents to share stories, tips and ideas. And you can even submit questions or advice anonymously!

So many parents want to talk about taboo topics such as pornography, sexual abuse, masturbation, etc. but don't have a comfortable and safe environment to do so - until now. We've made it totally comfortable because if you'd like, you can submit questions to us and we'll post them anonymously. It's an easy and effective way to seek advice from one another and collaborate on parenting challenges in the digital age.
Plus, to add lots of valuable discussion topics, I'll be hosting weekly live videos that will include important tips and updated information to keep parents informed.
Why it's important
Today pornography is rampant and unfortunately at your children's finger tips. 1 in 10 visits to porn sites are by kids 10 years old and under. Internet filters can help, but they are in no way the only answer. The best protection for your child is you helping them to become their own filter. This group can help you gain the knowledge needed to be a more informed parent and navigate potentially difficult situations and conversations with your children.
4 reason why YOU should be a part of it
- It's a great support network! It's a safe place dedicated specifically to parents to help one another on taboo topics that are sometimes uncomfortable to discuss elsewhere.
- It's completely private and a closed group.
- You can seek advice for yourself, in a safe and anonymous environment.
- AND you can offer your advice and experience to other parents as well.
How you join:
- Go to the Protect Young Minds Facebook page
- Click "community" on the left hand side.
- Under "groups" you will find the "Let's Talk About Protecting Kids From Pornography"
- Request to join
- Your request will be evaluated and you will be accepted within 24 hours.
How you invite others to join:
- Go to the group
- On the right hand side you will see "add members"
- Type in the name of the person you wish to add.
- Click "add member"
- The request will be evaluated and they will be accepted within 24 hours.
I and the rest of our Protect Young Minds team look forward to seeing you in our new parent discussion group! Come and check out this new resource!
Brain Defense: Digital Safety Curriculum - Family Edition
"Parents are desperate for concepts and language like this to help their children. They would benefit so much from this program - and I think it would spur much needed conversations between parents and children.” --Jenet Erikson, parent