Compelling Over 18 Documentary: Exposing the Truth about Porn's Impact on Kids
At the age of 9, Joseph fell fast into the habit of viewing hard-core pornography. A switch flipped. Almost overnight he started acting out violently towards his younger sister and classmates. Now at age 13, Joseph calls himself a recovered porn addict. How did he get there and how did he recover? Discover the story of this brave young man and his parents in the Over 18 documentary.

Continue reading to get our full review of this important film. Plus find out how to get FREE access to watch the film for yourself! (But you'll have to act fast! This preview is for ONE WEEK ONLY!) See details below.
Protect Young Minds gives "Over 18" two thumbs up
As a documentary film, Over 18 checks all the boxes. It’s compelling, it’s educational and it lends a new perspective to a conversation that helps kids reject pornography. We encourage you to watch it and share it with friends. However there are a few things you should know before you click play:
- This is a full-length documentary film. It runs 1 hour and 25 minutes. Be sure to set aside enough time to watch it in its entirety.
- The film addresses a heavy subject matter. Along with Joseph’s story you will hear interviews with porn producers, ex-porn stars, academics and more.
- Though the film is not pornographic in any way, it is likely to shock you. There are some descriptions of violent acts that are typical in pornography. We recommend it be viewed by adults only.
- Watching the film is a responsible way to educate yourself on the real impact pornography has on kids.
Keep reading to obtain your link to the full length film. In the meantime, check out the trailer below:
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://protectyoungminds.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Over-18-A-Documentary-About-Pornography.mp4"][/video]
View the Over 18 documentary through the eyes of a child
Directors Jared and Michelle Brock know that this film challenges viewers to consider things that may make them feel uncomfortable. And yet this is exactly what kids have to process in their young minds every time they are exposed to modern pornography.
Michelle explains that during the editing process they would often “hit a wall” and get discouraged. Whenever they felt they couldn’t go on, they’d think about their little friend Oakley.
Oakley was 6-years-old then. Yet, statistically speaking he was only a few short years away from seeing pornography for the first time. Creating a film that could change the conversation society was having about pornography helped Jared and Michelle push through the tough moments.
New insights you can expect from the Over 18 documentary
As someone who works everyday analyzing how pornography impacts society I was surprised by how many new insights I was able to gain. Below I’ve listed five things you’ll want to look out for. But honestly, I’ve just scratched the surface.
1. The Over 18 documentary exposes the toxic effect of modern porn
Pornographers claim that parents alone have the responsibility for protecting kids from adult content. This sentiment summarizes their callous indifference for the welfare of innocent minds. Currently there are no firewalls in place (or what we would call meaningful age verification) to block underage use of porn sites. Pornographers know that in as little as three curious clicks any child can be thrown into their world of hard-core pornography.
In the film Gail Dines challenges anyone to follow the “breadcrumb-trail” of an average curious 11-year-old to see what they can see without a credit card. We don’t actually recommend you do this! Just understand that the information and images a child can find online will shock and confuse them beyond your imagination. And that these images will also arouse and spark more curiosity.
2. The Over 18 documentary proves that any child can fall prey to porn
One of the most eye-opening aspects of the film is that Joseph is the kind of kid you’re least likely to expect would fall prey to pornography. His mom and dad are present in all aspects of his life. His addiction to porn occurred in the living room of his own home! His parents had an eye next to the computer at all times!
The first time Joseph saw pornography it simply popped onto his screen while he was playing a video game. He thought that was weird —but it gave him a taste. Then in third grade another kid starting feeding him search terms to look up. For Joseph sneaking porn in plain sight became part of the adrenaline rush his brain craved.
3. The Over 18 documentary is clear on brain science
Most of the documentary is spent telling the real life experiences of individuals (which is what makes it so compelling). But when it switches to talk science, it does so expertly.
As I watched I found the description of why a child’s brain is so vulnerable to addiction crystal clear. The sad reality is that most individuals are exposed to pornography when they are young —often a full decade before the brain is developed enough to protect itself.
4. The Over 18 documentary takes pornography out of the shadows
The film also introduces us to Josh Gilman, Gabe Deem and Asha Kaye Brown. Like Joseph, these three individuals fell into pornography addiction as kids. Now as adults they speak publicly and boldly that recovery is possible. Not surprisingly, turning point for each of them was when they realized they were not alone.
Pornography makes people feel isolated, insignificant and worthless. Like a bully, porn gains power from its victim’s silence. But when people speak up and fight for real love that power dissipates. That’s why Joseph’s family is willing to share his story. And that’s exactly why Hope for the Sold created the Over 18 documentary.
5. The Over 18 documentary gives a shout out to Good Pictures Bad Pictures
Spoiler alert! Jared and Michelle highlight Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-proofing Today’s Young Kids, as "the" resource for families wanting to start the conversation about pornography with their kids! (We love the love.)
In the film Joseph’s mom explains she never imagined that they would need to be talking to their kids about pornography or even sex before age of 9. Like many, they assumed this was a conversation that could wait. But the risk of exposure is too great. There is nothing to restrict kids from accessing pornographic content on demand. Click “over 18” and they’re in!
To protect kids from pornography parents must have the conversation early and often. Use our books to get started. Then continue to follow up in ways that are appropriate for you own family.
Act now! Limited time viewing
Part of our job as parents is to stay informed and up to date on issues that our kids are dealing with. That can feel like an impossible task in the age of smartphones, apps and augmented realities.
Today you have an opportunity to learn a great deal about the porn industry in a very short amount of time. We hope you will take full advantage of this FREE offer. Clear an afternoon or an evening to sit down and watch this film.
To claim your FREE access to the OVER 18 DOCUMENTARY go to: http://over18doc.com/pym/. It's a special link for friends of Protect Young Minds. Do yourself a favor and check it out now! Also find out a way to share the documentary with your community!
Hope for the Sold charity and the Over 18 documentary
Jared and Michelle Brock typically focus their film efforts on victims of sex trafficking. But when a friend asked them to address adolescent pornography addiction —because every single one of the boys in his youth group was struggling— they knew they had to create this film.
To date they’ve held over 300 screenings of the Over 18 documentary in schools, churches and communities across the country. That means more people are learning how to help kids reject pornography! We applaud and support the efforts of Hope for the Sold and thank them for giving us the opportunity to share this incredible film.
If you're interested in sharing with your community, you can arrange for a screening, too! Instructions are on the landing page (see link above in the blue box) for the documentary. Any proceeds we earn from sales of the screening packages are donated the the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

Good Pictures Bad Pictures
"I really like the no-shame approach the author takes. It's so much more than just 'don't watch or look at porn.' It gave my children a real understanding about the brain and its natural response to pornography, how it can affect you if you look at it, and how to be prepared when you do come across it (since, let's face it... it's gonna happen at some point)." -Amazon Review by D.O.