
Want help talking to your kids about porn?  Get our free Quick Start Guide: How to Talk to Kids about Pornography.

Pediatricians Speak Out on Impact of Porn

I’m so encouraged to see more and more organizations voicing their concerns about the impact of porn on children.

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The American College of Pediatricians has published a strong position statement: The Impact of Pornography on Children. They’re worried about the negative effects of pornography on a generation of kids who have easy access to free internet pornography.

And they’re basing their fears on facts.

Age of First Exposure

The paper, authored by L. David Perry, MD, FC, cites several studies from all over the world which ask teens and young adults about their age of first exposure to porn. For example, one third of English students claimed their first exposure to porn was at 10 years of age, or younger. American and Australian studies show large percentages of men and women report that they were exposed well before the age of 13.


How Does Pornography Negatively Affect Children?

These are a few of the effects referenced and cited in the paper:

  • Pornography exposure at these young ages often results in… symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Children also report feelings of disgust, shock, embarrassment, anger, fear, and sadness after viewing pornography.
  • Children under twelve years old who have viewed pornography are statistically more likely to sexually assault their peers.
  • Children exposed to pornographic material are at risk for a broad range of maladaptive behaviors and psychopathology.
  • For young people, viewing sexually explicit web sites increased the likelihood of having more than one sexual partner in the last three months and for using alcohol and drugs during sexual activity.

To sum it all up, kids suffer negative effects from exposure to and use of pornography in the following ways:

  1. Kids are mentally disturbed by the violent porn they view and may become addicted to it.
  2. Many children end up imitating the sexual violence they see with their peers.
  3. Pornography teaches false ideas about human sexuality which impacts a child’s future ability to enjoy stable, authentic and intimate relationships.
  4. Pornography use destabilizes and destroys marriages. The negative effect of divorce on children is well-documented.

Find answers to these important questions:

  • Why are so many good kids getting pulled into pornography?
  • How can parents get more comfortable talking to their kids?
  • What are the benefits to tackling this subject early?
  • What EXACTLY do your kids need to know to stay safe from pornography in every situation?

Learn all this and more in The Quick Start Guide for Proactive Parents. Get your FREE copy by clicking on the image below:

We applaud the American College of Pediatricians for taking a strong stand on pornography’s negative impact on children. You can read the entire paper here.

The more we talk about it and take a stand against it, the more we’ll empower our children to reject pornography and lead healthy and successful lives.

Update: Endorsement from the American College of Pediatrics

In their June 2017 newsletter, the president of the American College of Pediatrics endorsed the Good Pictures Bad Pictures books and our Protect Young Minds website. We appreciate their support!

I whole-heartedly recommend Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr. and Good Pictures Bad Pictures Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids to parents, grandparents, teachers and pediatricians alike. In a tech-savvy age, with even pre-schoolers at risk of exposure to our pornified culture, the greatest gift we can give our children is an internal filter. The Good Pictures Bad Pictures books, and other resources available from, help parents do just that. As a pediatrician and mother of four, I can attest that open communication about the beauty and inviolability of our bodies, from the time children first ask questions, is key to instilling moral character and protecting them from our sexually exploitative culture. In very positive, clear and simple language, and with beautiful illustrations, these books and resources will help parents do just that.

Michelle A. Cretella, MD, FCP
President, American College of Pediatricians

Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.

A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds

“I highly recommend this book to all people with children. A must have for all parents!” —Amazon Review

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