Protect Young Minds: FREE Practical Tools for Raising Porn-Proof Kids
Our new Protect Young Minds website is up and running! It's advancing our mission to help parents protect their young kids' minds from the lies and addictive nature of pornography.

We developed three ways to help families and communities: Prepare & Prevent, Help & Heal, and Share & Speak Up. We can help...

Most parents want to prevent their kids from being pulled into pornography, and that takes preparation. Kids need to know three basics to help them reject pornography.

Some parents have discovered that their child has already been exposed to pornography, or has been seeking it out. Don't panic! We have great advice for you on our Help & Heal page.

The way you respond to a child's interest in pornography can make all the difference!
Do you want to empower the parents in your community to raise porn-proof kids? We can help you to Share & Speak Up!

And of course, there's the Protect Young Minds blog to keep you up-to-date and informed.

Subscribe to our blog and receive a free CAN DO Plan poster as a gift. The CAN DO Plan is outlined in more detail in the book Good Pictures Bad Pictures. It's a plan that really works and helps kids know exactly how to reject pornography when they see it!
We've pulled together a growing list of Resources to help your family. Think of them as weapons in your family's arsenal against the porn industry! (Click on the image to learn more about Good Pictures Bad Pictures!)
We're grateful parents feel our work is helping their kids!

We didn't see this coming, but grandparents are big fans of Protect Young Minds, too! They have a big influence on their grandchildren and want them to be safe.

We've heard from several therapists and professionals who use our resources to help their clients.

We hope you believe what we know--Kids CAN Learn to Reject Pornography! We often hear from parents whose kids have learned a simple definition of what pornography is, why it's dangerous, and exactly how to reject it when they see it. It works!

Check out our cool SlideShare below! And if you know another family who could use our resources, please share this post with them. Thank you for helping us help you protect young minds!

Good Pictures Bad Pictures
"I really like the no-shame approach the author takes. It's so much more than just 'don't watch or look at porn.' It gave my children a real understanding about the brain and its natural response to pornography, how it can affect you if you look at it, and how to be prepared when you do come across it (since, let's face it... it's gonna happen at some point)." -Amazon Review by D.O.